The Firehouse Lawyer Newsletter

Results for newsletters with the topic “Public Bid Laws ” and the subtopic “"Lowest Responsible Bidder"

The Firehouse Lawyer may be controversial at times, but due to recent legislative changes, the definition of "lowest responsible bidder", for purposes of procurement contracts, may have changed--for the better; we also discuss whether certain fire district activities are subject to business-and-occupation taxes, when benefit charges may be imposed on religious organizations, and whether fire districts and RFAs may sue for defamation. 13-0820158August_2015.pdf
In this issue, the Firehouse Lawyer addresses recent case law arising under the Public Records and Open Public Meetings Acts; recent EEOC insights into inquires into disabilities, and how that relates to conditional offers of employment; and finally, we introduce a new column in honor of Bill Jarmon: Safety Bill. 15-0120171January_2017_FINAL.pdf
This newsletter discusses a very important Washington State Attorney General Opinion. ATTENTION: The next Municipal Roundtable will occur on Friday, June 29, 9-11 AM, and will be located at West Pierce Fire and Rescue, Station 31 (headquarters), 3631 Drexler Drive, University Place, WA 98466. Our topic for this roundtable, which is a free discussion group related to issues faced by public agencies, is employment and labor law matters. 16-0620186June2018FINAL.pdf
The Firehouse Lawyer considers the importance of privacy in the context of health care information; we also discuss potential changes to the bid laws that would impact various public agencies, disability retirement, WPFMLA leave requirements, defamation law, and the concept of "unilateral change" in labor law. 17-0320194MarchApril2019.pdf
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the Firehouse Lawyer
are located at:

7403 Lakewood Drive West,
Suite #11

LakewoodWA  98499-7951

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