The Firehouse Lawyer Newsletter

Results for newsletters with the topic “Public Bid Laws ” and the subtopic “"Public Work"

We now consider a myriad of issues, or “traps for the unwary”, under the public bidding laws, including confusions about the definition of “public work”, electronic data processing and telecommunications systems, small works rosters, prevailing wage laws, and many more; we also encourage a “pooling of resources” to further planning and professionalism in the fire service. 02-0619986v02n06jun1998.pdf
This issues considers a substantial Washington Supreme Court case regarding the public duty doctrine, contractor bonds, new potential legislation pertaining to the bid laws, and annual retreats. 21-0120231January2023FINAL.pdf
This issue discusses competing interpretations as to whether "new construction" is not "increment value" that may be diverted to a sponsoring jurisdiction that has created a tax increment area under RCW
Our lead article today discusses tax increment financing in even more detail; we also discuss a First Amendment case, and issues related to fire-commissioner compensation, eminent domain, lien claims and contractor bonds. 22-0120241January2024FINAL (2).pdf
This issue discusses some upcoming training opportunities, a major change to RCW 52.14.110 involving public works by regularly employeed personnel, and an important Title VII case. 22-0420244April2024.pdf
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the Firehouse Lawyer
are located at:

7403 Lakewood Drive West,
Suite #11

LakewoodWA  98499-7951

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