Description | Volume_Issue | Year | Month | PDF |
We now look to new developments to the long-established Firefighter’s Rule, which is a general rule of non-liability to firefighters, applicable to property owners whose negligence caused the emergency that led to the firefighter’s presence on the property where the fire (or other emergency) occurred; what pre-employment inquiries are or are not permitted under the ADA and WLAD; and we also consider whether study sessions are subject to the OPMA.
| 05-06 | 2005 | 6 | v05n06jun2005.pdf |
Here we take a look at the firefighter’s rule, which essentially says that a firefighter is generally owed no duty of care by the owner of land except that the owner not willfully or wantonly cause injury to the fireman; then we clarify some issues with the “two-in two-out” rule under the WAC 296-305 safety standards; issues with records retention; whether RCW 39.34 may permit several fire districts and a city to share in some major function, i.e. communications, and to have some separate level of taxing revenue; and to round it out, we address a question about building signs and the ADA. | 02-03 | 1998 | 3 | v02n03mar1998.pdf |
This month, the Firehouse Lawyer sheds light on changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act, with respect to the "white collar" exemptions; changes to the post-incident investigation procedures of employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act; notice to third parties of public records requests, and when that notice should be given and when not; a new electronic records law that affirmatively requires local agencies in Washington to adopt policies on electronic records; a court case involving standing to sue under the Open Public Meetings Act; and finally, we discuss our involvement in an important Washington Supreme Court case. | 14-8E | 2016 | 8 | August2016.pdf |