Description | Volume_Issue | Year | Month | PDF |
Here we consider a Washington court case involving the propriety of retroactive pay increases, and their implications under the Washington Constitution; the administrative exemption to the FLSA overtime laws; we then discuss on-call pay under FLSA. | 04-04 | 2000 | 4 | v04n04apr2000.pdf |
Today we consider a decision by the Public Employment Relations Commission, of which the Firehouse Lawyer is a former commissioner, in which the hearing examiner found that there is no duty to bargain supplemental pensions; we then consider the 90-day statute of limitations for seeking the vacation of an arbitration award; a federal district court finding that the Department of Labor exceeded their authority when enacting a particular FMLA regulation; a question involving contractual obligations under the FMLA; a question involving the issuance of pagers and the implications that may present under the on-call-pay provisions FLSA; and to sum up, a question involving whether a fire department must have a fire chief to comply with Washington law. | 02-12 | 1998 | 12 | v02n12dec1998.pdf |
Now we consider a federal court case discerning whether city firefighters may serve as private
rescue squad volunteers without mandating overtime or minimum wage payment under FLSA; the payment of compensatory time in lieu of overtime; various examples of on-call pay disputes under FLSA; and to conclude, we discuss whether employment contracts may extend beyond an elected official’s term.
| 02-10 | 1998 | 10 | v02n10oct1998.pdf |
This issue is about a court case in which paramedics and EMTs were found not to be entitled to overtime compensation for on-call hours; a US Supreme Court ruling that involved consideration of the “salary basis” test; and a Washington law forbidding discrimination on the basis of political activism. | 01-01 | 1997 | 4 | v01n01apr1997.pdf |
Today we are discussing "on call pay" and promoting our upcoming Municipal Roundtable on the bid-law exceptions, taking place virtually on September 30 from 9-11 AM. Here is the link for that:
| 20-07 | 2022 | 7 | July2022FINAL.pdf |