The Firehouse Lawyer Newsletter

Results for newsletters with the topic “Benefit Charges

Today the Firehouse Lawyer addresses the impact of marijuana legalization and its impact on drug testing in the workplace. This article also touches on the use of benefit charges and a case involving personal electronic devices. 12-04201512v12n04dec2014.pdf
The Firehouse Lawyer may be controversial at times, but due to recent legislative changes, the definition of "lowest responsible bidder", for purposes of procurement contracts, may have changed--for the better; we also discuss whether certain fire district activities are subject to business-and-occupation taxes, when benefit charges may be imposed on religious organizations, and whether fire districts and RFAs may sue for defamation. 13-0820158August_2015.pdf
This issue discusses an important case involving prescription drugs, and whether an employer discriminated against a prospective employee based on a perceived disability; the Disability Leave Supplement and its effect on retirement service credits; a correction of an article in last month's newsletter; a brief discussion about Nissen v. Pierce County, a Public Records Act case; and finally, we discuss aspects of the CARES statute, as it pertains to community paramedicine. 13-0920159September2015_ThidDraft.pdf
The laws applicable to fire districts and regional fire authorities are certainly not the same, and we consider those differences and similarities in this issue; we also discuss new litigation pertaining to worker's compensation and the "subjective findings" of treating physicians; we also outline a public records act case involving statutes of limitation. 14-09201692016SeptemberFINAL.pdf
Today we discuss the concept of a "jar of muddy water" when negotiation contracts; we also discuss very important legislative changes for 2017; we then consider an alternative revenue source we call the 450 Tax, which could generate substantial revenue for fire departments; finally, we have our monthly Safety Bill. 15-0420174April2017FINAL.pdf
Contracts for services are an under-utilized alternative to the property tax, and we discuss this today, as it pertains to contracts with housing authorities; we also discuss a new bill impacting Medicaid fraud investigations in Washington State; the doctrine of incompatibility of public offices; our potential new business model; and finally, we have our Safety Bill, discussing deadlines for training under WAC 296-305. 15-0520175May2017FINAL.pdf
Celebrate your independence by reading our latest issue, where we consider a new case involving five-day letters under the Public Records Act; the retainage requirements for public works contracts; and where we inform you about our new office space at South King Fire and Rescue! 15-0620176June2017FINAL.pdf
Today we consider IRS Guidance that pertains to the new federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act, said guidance pertaining to how employers are supposed to pay for these new benefits. We also discuss new proposed legislation providing for permanent benefit charges. 18-03202032020MarchFINAL.pdf
We now consider the propriety of "affirmative action" policies under Washington and federal law, and we also discuss frequently asked questions about benefit charges. 18-0820208August2020FINAL.pdf
Today we consider many issues that arose in 2024 and how we have dealt with them; we also consider a public-records case and a change in the law relating to pro and con committees. 22-12202412December2024FINAL.pdf
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the Firehouse Lawyer
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7403 Lakewood Drive West,
Suite #11

LakewoodWA  98499-7951

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