The Firehouse Lawyer Newsletter

Results for newsletters with the topic “Discipline and Discharge” and the subtopic “Wrongful Discharge Actions

Today we address a federal court case that determined that money paid for sick leave buy-back counts in the calculation of regular rate; we also discuss a sex-discrimination case related to two female firefighters (battalion chiefs) being denied adequate protective clothing and adequate bathroom and shower facilities; we then consider adverse employment actions against an employee who exercises First Amendment rights, and much more. 06-0520065v06n05may2006.pdf
This issue discusses a Washington Supreme Court case which extends the common law tort for wrongful discharge in violation of public policy to all employees, including union employees with protections within collective bargaining agreements; we also discuss amendments to the 207 (k) exemption under FLSA, which provides a partial overtime exemption for emergency workers such as police and firefighters. 04-0120001v04n01jan2000.pdf
This issue is about a court case in which paramedics and EMTs were found not to be entitled to overtime compensation for on-call hours; a US Supreme Court ruling that involved consideration of the “salary basis” test; and a Washington law forbidding discrimination on the basis of political activism. 01-0119974v01n01apr1997.pdf
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Suite #11

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