The Firehouse Lawyer Newsletter

Results for newsletters with the topic “Federal Legislation and Regulations

Today we discuss a new respiratory protection standard handed down by OSHA; Congress’ enactment of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, aka HIPAA; distinctions between hourly and salary-based employees under FLSA; and finally, very important considerations of excessive absenteeism under the FMLA. 02-0119981v02n01jan1998.pdf
We now look at whether employers may require their employees to use compensatory time under FLSA; whether a building officials whose primary duty is management is exempt from FLSA; and issues with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the opinions of the Federal Trade Commission. 03-11199911v03n11nov1999.pdf
This article considers the legality of public employee strikes under the Washington Collective Bargaining Act, RCW 41.56, and other regulations; we also analyze recently updated federal laws pertaining to volunteers and Medicare payments, along with a consideration of the work product doctrine under the Public Records Act. 08-0120081v08n01jan2008.pdf
This month, the Firehouse Lawyer sheds light on changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act, with respect to the "white collar" exemptions; changes to the post-incident investigation procedures of employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act; notice to third parties of public records requests, and when that notice should be given and when not; a new electronic records law that affirmatively requires local agencies in Washington to adopt policies on electronic records; a court case involving standing to sue under the Open Public Meetings Act; and finally, we discuss our involvement in an important Washington Supreme Court case. 14-8E20168August2016.pdf
Today we consider what your agency should do with grant money it receives during the Covid-19 pandemic; we also discuss the status of Governor Inslee's order on in-person meetings, and an important case involving the public duty doctrine. 18-0420204April2020FINAL.pdf
Today we consider an important case from the Washington Supreme Court involving collective bargaining; we also discuss EMTALA and federal grant rules applicable to publicly bid contracts. We also include a link to our next Municipal Roundtable on Fire Department Finances, taking place January 6!20-12202212December2022FINAL.pdf
This issue discusses the laws applicable in the context of operating emergency apparatus; we also discuss the applicable statute of limitations for wage claims, and a recent decision by a federal judge enjoining enforcement of an FTC rule on noncompete agreements. 22-0920249SeptemberOctober2024FINAL.pdf
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Suite #11

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