The Firehouse Lawyer Newsletter

Results for newsletters with the topic “Wage Claims

Today we interpret RCW 42.24.180, which authorizes the issuance of warrants or checks before the legislative body has acted to approve the claims; the implications of dating in the workplace; penalties in wage-claim cases; and an occupational disease case involving Hepatitis C. 06-0420064v06n04apr2006.pdf
Some changes in the law cause headaches: We now discuss whether used sick leave hours carry over under the new Washington State sick leave laws effective January 1, 2018; we also consider when fire departments must pay the state contribution toward LEOFF II, in addition to the employer contribution, for fiscal years 2018 and 2019. 15-12201712December2017FINAL.pdf
This issue addresses the definition of "veteran" under the Washington veterans' scoring-criteria statutes; we also discuss an important Washington case related to "vigilance-free" meal periods, and give our readers an update on developments in federal discrimination law. 16-0920189September2018FINAL.pdf
Today we consider an important case involving what travel time is compensable by the employer.19-12202112December2021FINAL.pdf
This issue involves a court case pertaining to impact fees and the "exhaustion" requirement in the context of appeals of land use decisions; we also discuss another court case involving a whistleblower/wage case. 20-0520225May2022FINAL.pdf
This issue discusses the laws applicable in the context of operating emergency apparatus; we also discuss the applicable statute of limitations for wage claims, and a recent decision by a federal judge enjoining enforcement of an FTC rule on noncompete agreements. 22-0920249SeptemberOctober2024FINAL.pdf
Today we consider many issues that arose in 2024 and how we have dealt with them; we also consider a public-records case and a change in the law relating to pro and con committees. 22-12202412December2024FINAL.pdf
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Suite #11

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